Paul Mueller Company Academy

4 Ways Kegs Are Losing You Money


Kegs have been the beer storage and serving standard for a very long time. At first, kegs were more convenient than their previous counterparts, wooden casks. But for the last 50 years kegs have remain unchanged and might be starting down the road of obsolescence. Here are a few ways kegs could be costing you money:


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What Is Stainless Steel and Why Do We Use It?

5 minute read

Stainless Steel has been around for a little over a century now, which is not that long in the grand scheme of things. And yet, despite its recent invention, stainless steel products are so common that many take them for granted.

From cutlery to artwork, stainless steel has revolutionized the modern world. But what is stainless steel? Why is it so useful? The answer to those questions lies in the chemical elements that compose stainless steel alloys.

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Information You Need to Know Before Buying a Stainless Steel Tank Head

1 minute read

When building tanks, there’s a lot to remember about the individual tank components. One of the most commonly purchased tank components, tank heads, can be customized to meet any application for which your vessel is designed. With so many options, it’s easy to forget an important detail when requesting a quote.

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About Paul Mueller Company Academy

Teaching and sharing ideas has long been part of the rich heritage at Paul Mueller Company. We have almost a century of quality craftsmanship guiding the way we apply new learnings. Paul Mueller Company Academy is a collection point for those learnings, so we can collaborate and grow more successful together. You will find articles, blogs, guides, infographics and more dedicated to furthering knowledge for all, in the world of stainless steel processing equipment solutions. We hope you enjoy!